I do not attempt video very often but occasionally have a go and really enjoy the process.  I am certainly no expert at creating video but wish to learn and improve so will continue to experiment when a suitable subject presents itself.  Here are a few of the wildlife videos that I have produced.  When I helped to make the Go Toads film for Herefordshire Wildlife Trust I was actually asked towards the end of the project not the begining so certainly not the ideal work flow but the result was not too bad considering.
Whilst walking in our local woods I had an unexpected encounter with this Doormouse :-)

In 2016 I supported Herefordshire Wildlife Trust by producing a video for their Go Toads Project

Following on from the Go Toads Project in 2016 I did a further video of the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust Toad Patrol at Bodenham lake in 2019
I was working in the garden moving a rockery in preperation to dig a pond when I noticed a lot of activity around my bee house.  I actually set the camera up and left it to film as I continued working.  I was very excited to find I had captured the emergence of this Red Mason Bee.

About a month later after filming the emergence of a Red Mason Bee I observed them returning to lay their eggs and seal up the holes again.
Following on with the Bee theme I filmed these wild bees that had made their home in a hole in a tree.  I filmed them in slow motion and find it slightly hypnotic watching them approaching the hive.

Aberystwyth Pier is a favourite place to view Starling murmurations like this.

I found these eggs whilst digging in the garden and decided to film and photograph them on a backlit piece of glass.
Herefordshire Wildlife Trust completed some re-profiling work at a former gravel quarry now known as Bodenham Lake forming several small island to encourage wading birds.  Within the first year these Oyster Catchers appeared and had chicks.  You have to look closely to spot the chicks ;-)
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